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Captain Future Meets Gilbert and Sullivan

or, Alas, Who Loves a Spaceman?

libretto by Stephen and Virginia Schulteis

This was first performed at Westercon XX, 1 July 1967. 

The second performance was at Boskone 9, 15 April 1972. 

Dramatis Personae
Captain Future, a.k.a. Curtis Newton A. Joseph Ross
Otho, an android Fred Isaacs
Simon Wright, a disembodied brain himself
Grag, a robot Drew Whyte
Little Asteroid Selina Lovett
Ezra Gurney, Marshall of the Planet Patrol Larry Niven (originally written for Edmond Hamilton)
Joan Randall, fiancee of Captain Future Karen Blank
The Master of the Universe Richard Harter (originally written for Isaac Asimov)
Director Marsha Elkin
Musical Director and Accompanist Morris Keesan
Set Design Howard Green
Rehearsal Assistants Georgine Chacran
Jean Berman
Mike Di Genio