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NESFA® 2006 Hugo Recommendations

30 August 2007 -- jam

NESFA continues to maintain a list of Good Stuff to read. Any NESFA member who reads something that they would like to recommend to others to be considered for a Hugo nomination can add it to the list. We will publish it from time to time in Instant Message and on the nets. (Feel free to reproduce it provided you reproduce it intact!) It's neither definitive nor complete, but it contains the stories, novels and non-fiction works that a bunch of well-read fans feel may be worthy of a Hugo nomination.

These are items published in 2006 and eligible for the Hugos to be presented at Nippon 2007, Aug. 30 - Sep. 3, 2007, Yokohama Japan. Here's the list for 2005 and the list for 2007. For more about the Hugos, see

Blood and Iron Elizabeth Bear Roc esa
Eifelheim Michael F. Flynn Tor (ed. David Hartwell) ca, daa, ec, arl, mlo, jam
Voices Ursula K. Le Guin Harcourt ec
Nova Swing M. John Harrison Gollancz ies
The Road Cormac McCarthy Knopf ca, jam
Odyssey Jack McDevitt Ace arl
His Majesty's Dragon Naomi Novik Del Rey jam, po, ca, dmg, kp, sp, ged, pf, daa
Here There Be Dragons James A Owen Simon & Schuster ec
Three Days to Never Tim Powers William Morrow mlo, ec, vjd, ies
Wintersmith Terry Pratchett HarperTeen ec, mlo, jam, dgg, kp
Pushing Ice Alastair Reynolds Gollancz (2005) Ace (2006). Eligibility was extended for 2005 UK books. mlo, vjd, jam
Living Next Door to the God of Love Justina Robson  Bantam Spectra (ed. by Juliet Ulman) ies
The Ghost Brigades John Scalzi Tor (ed. Patrick Nielsen Hayden) rk, mlo, daa, ec, ged, po, ca
Glasshouse Charles Stross Ace mlo, ca, dmg, ec, kp, po, jam, ird, vjd, ies
The Jennifer Morgue Charles Stross Golden Gryphon (ed. Marty Halpern) mlo, ca, ec, daa, dgg
Rainbows End Vernor Vinge Tor (ed. Jim Frenkel) mlo, ec, jam, dmg, kp, po, mdh, pf, ca, rk, vjd
Farthing Jo Walton Tor (ed. Patrick Nielsen Hayden) ec, ca
Blindsight Peter Watts Tor (ed. David Hartwell) ca, vjd, jam
Fugitives of Chaos John C. Wright Tor (ed. David Hartwell) mlo, ec

The Little White Nerves Went Last John Barnes Analog 3/06 arl, mlo
"The Night is Fine," the Walrus Said John Barnes Analog 1-2/06 arl
The Siege of Earth Stephen Baxter Resplendent vjd
Planet of Mystery Terry Bisson F&SF 1&2/06 arl
No Place Like Home Julie Czernada Forbidden Planets, SFBC arl
Turtledome David Gerrold Space Cadets, Scifi, Inc. arl
JQ211F, and Holding Nancy Kress Forbidden Planets, SFBC arl
Kaminsky at War Jack McDevitt Forbidden Planets, SFBC arl
A Billion Eves Robert Reed Asimov's 10-11/06 ca, jam
Nightingale Alastair Reynolds Galactic North vjd
Pol Pot’s Beautiful Daughter Geoff Ryman F&SF 10/06 vjd
Inclination William Shunn Asimov's 4-5/06 arl
The Plurality of Worlds Brian Stableford Asimov's 8/06 ca, mlo, jam, vjd
Lord Weary's Empire Michael Swanwick Asimov's 12/06 ca, mlo, jam, vjd
Julian: A Christmas Story Robert Charles Wilson PS Publishing ca, ies
The Voyage of Night Shining Bright Chris Roberson PS Publishing ies
Damascus Daryl Gregory F&SF 12/06  

Ghost Wars Stephen Baxter Asimov's 1/06 arl, ca
The Lowland Expedition Stephen Baxter Analog mlo
The Pacific Mystery Stephen Baxter The Mammoth Book of Extreme Science Fiction, ed by Mike Ashley ca, vjd
Farmers in the Sky Rob Chilson Analog 5/06 ca, mlo
I, Row-Boat Cory Doctorow Flurb Fall '06 ca, mlo
Counterfactual Gardner Dozois F&SF 6/06 ca
Dawn, and Sunset, and the Colours of Earth Michael F. Flynn Asimov's 10-11/06 ca, jam
The Djinn's Wife Ian MacDonald Asimov's 7/06 arl, jam, ca, vjd
Dead Men Walking Paul J. McAuley Asimov's 3/06 ca, mlo
Hoop-of-Benzene Robert Reed The Mammoth Book of Extreme Science Fiction ed by Mike Ashley ca, mlo
Signal to Noise Alastair Reynolds Zima Blue and other Stories (ed. by Marty Halpern) ca, vjd
Tiger, Burning Alastair Reynolds Forbidden Planets mlo, jam
Penultima Thule Chris Willrich F&SF 8/06 arl, mlo, vjd, ies
The Cartesian Theater Robert Charles Wilson Futureshocks (ed. by Lou Anders) ca, mlo, vjd, jam

Short Story
How to Talk to Girls at Parties Neil Gaiman Fragile Things ca, vjd, jam
Fear of Rain Robert T. Jeschonek PostScripts 8 ies
Heroic Measures Matthew Johnson Strange Horizons 12/18/06 ca
Nano Comes to Clifford Falls Nancy Kress Asimov's 7/06 ca, mlo, jam
Jane. A Story of Manner, Magic, and Romance Sarah Pineas Realms of Fantasy 4/06 arl
Impossible Dreams Tim Pratt Asimov's 7/06 ca, mlo
You Will Go To the Moon William Preston Asimov's 7/06 ca
Eight Episodes Robert Reed Asimov's 6/06 ca, arl, mlo, vjd, jam
The House Beyond Your Sky Benjamin Rosenblum Strage Horizons, 9/2006 mlo
Another Word for Map is Faith Christopher Rowe F&SF 8/06 ca
Lighthouse Michael Shara & Jack McDevitt Analog 3/06 ca
Pimpf Charles Stross Jim Baen's Universe 1 vjd
Tin Marsh Michael Swanwick Asimov's 8/06 ca, jam
The Hotel Room Zoran Zivkovic PostScripts 6 ies

Related Book
The Acme Catalog Charles Carney and Scott Grass Chronicle Books jam
Inside the Tardis: The Worlds of Doctor Who – A Cultural History James Chapman I. B. Tauris ca
The Darkening Garden: A short Lexicon of Horror John Clute Payseur & Schmidt vjd
Encyclopedia of Fantasy and Horror Fiction Don D'Ammassa Facts on File mlo
Spectrum 13 Cathy & Arnie Fenner   mlo
The Ring of Words: Tolkien and the OED Peter Gilliver, Jeremy Marshall & Edmund Weiner Oxford mlo
Daughters of Earth: Feminist Science Fiction in the Twentieth Century Justine Larbalestier (Ed) Wesleyan University Press vjd, ies
Mechademia 1: Emerging Worlds of Anime and Manga Frenchy Lunning, ed. University of Minnesota Press ca
Heinlein's Children: the Juveniles Joseph T. Major Advent arl, ca, ged, mlo
Reinventing Comics Scott McCloud   ebh, pf
James Tiptree: The Double Life of Alice B. Sheldon Julie Phillips (ed. by Gordon Van Gelder)   ldtm, ca, ies, vjd
Worldcon Guest of Honor Speeches Mike Resnick & Joe Siclari ISFIC Press mlo, vjd, ies
Stargate SG-1: The Ultimate Visual Guide Kathleen Ritter DK Publishing arl
The History of Science Fiction Adam Roberts Palgrave (2005 UK) vjd

Dramatic Presentation Long Form
Arabian Nights Sci-Fi Channel arl, sl
The Prestige Touchstone Pictures cjh, ca, dgg, vjd
A Scanner Darkly Warner Independent Pictures ca, daa, jam, vjd
Renaissance Miramax Films ca, daa
Children of Men   ca, daa, jam, ldtm, vjd
Night Watch   cjh, ca, daa
District B-19   cjh, ca, daa
The Lost Room Sci-Fi Channel arl, rk
Nanny McPhee Working Title Films pf, mlo, daa
Prehistoric Park Animal Planet mlo, po, ec
V for Vendetta Warner Brothers jam, ca, daa, ebh, rk, dgg, esa, vjd
Stranger Than Fiction Mandate Pictures jam, ldtm, daa ,ca
Pan's Labyrinth   jam, ldtm, ca, daa, vjd

Dramatic Presentation Short Form
The Girl in the Fireplace Dr.Who rk, jam, ldtm, arl, dgg, ca, vjd
Exodus Battlestar Galactica jam
Downloaded Battlestar Galactica jam, ldtm, vjd
The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit Dr Who rk
Army of Ghosts/Doomsday Dr Who rk, jam, esa
School Reunion Dr. Who jam, ldtm, arl, ca
Memento Mori Stargate SG-1 jam
200 Stargate SG-1 jam, arl, vjd
The Real World Stargate Atlantis jam
Out of Time Torchwood arl, esa
Episode one Life on Mars vjd
Genesis Heroes vjd

Noteworthy Works by Potential Campbell Nominees

(We do not make recommendations on these pages for the Hugo awards which are given to people (such as Best Editor or Best Artist), but for the Campbell Award for Best New Writer we do note recommended stories by people we believe to be eligible.)

Story Author Appeared  
Blood Ring Faith Hunter Roc (ed. Liz Schuer) esa, pal
Temeraire AKA His Majesty's Dragon Naomi Novik HarperCollins Voyager / Del Rey daa, ca, mlo, arl, jam, kp, dmg, ged, pf
Temeraire: Throne of Jade Naomi Novik HarperCollins Voyager / Del Rey daa, ca, arl, jam, kp, dmg. pf

Other Good Reads

Dzur Steven Brust Tor (ed by Teresa Nielsen Harden) mlo, dgg
The Sharing Knife: Beguilement Lois McMaster Bujold Harcourt mlo, ec, daa
The Fourth Bear Jasper Fforde Viking mlo, dmg, dgg, ec, jam, pf
Temping Fate Esther M. Friesner Dutton ec
Judas Unchained Peter Hamilton del Rey arl, jam
His Majesty's Dragon Naomi Novik Del Rey mlo
Sun of Suns Karl Schroeder Tor (ed by David Hartwell) mlo
Magic Study Maria V. Snyder Luna ec
The Sky People S. M. Stirling Tor arl
Red Lightning John Varley Ace arl, ec, pf
Soldier of Sidon Gene Wolfe Tor mlo
The Mislaid Magician Pat Wrede & Caroline Stevermer Eos mlo

A Flight of Numbers Fantastique Strange Beth Bernobich Asimov's 6/06 arl
Journey Into the Kingdom M. Rickert F&SF 5/06 arl
The Plurality of Worlds Brian Stableford Asimov's 8/06 arl
The Scarlet Band Harry Turtledove Analog 5/06 arl

The Djinn's Wife Ian MacDonald Asimov's 7/06 mlo
Moon Viewing at Shijo Bridge Richard Parks Realms of Fantasy 4/06 arl
Under the Graying Sea Jonathan Sherwood Asimov's 2/06 arl
D.A. Connie Willis Space Cadets, Scifi, Inc. arl

Short Story
Echoes of Pride Catherine Asaro Space Cadets, Scifi, Inc. arl
In the Abyss of Time Stephen Baxter Asimov's 8/06 arl
The Dead of Winter Stephen Dedman Weird Tales 4/06 arl
Terms of Engagement C. S. Friedman F&SF 6/06 arl
Monkey Girl Josepha Sherman Space Cadets, Scifi, Inc. arl
An Episode of Stardust Michael Swanwick Asimov's 1/06 arl

Related Book

Dramatic Presentation
Night at the Museum pf
X-Men: The Last Stand Fox jam

Key to nominators:
ansl: Alice Lewis, arl: Tony Lewis, bsa: Brad Ackerman, by: Ben Yalow, ca: Claire Anderson, cjh: Chip Hitchcock, daa: Dave Anderson, dak: Debbie King, dea: Deb Atwood, dgg: David G. Grubbs, dmg: Deborah M. Geisler, ebh: Lisa Hertel, ec: Elisabeth Carey, esa: Ted Atwood, ged: Gay Ellen Dennett, ies: Ian Stockdale, jam: Jim Mann, js: Joe Siclari, jks: Joyce Scrivner, kp: Kelly Persons, ldtm: Laurie Mann, mdh: Mark Hertel, mlo: Mark Olson, pal: Paula Lieberman, pf: Pam Fremon, po: Priscilla Olson, rk: Rick Katze, sl: Suford Lewis, shs: Steven Silver, sls: Sharon Sbarsky, sp: Sheila Perry, tps: Tim Szczesuil, vjd: Vincent J. Docherty