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NESFA® 1993 Hugo Recommendations

31 March 1994 -- mlo

For a second year, the New England Science Fiction Association (NESFA) is maintaining a list of Good Stuff to read. Any NESFA member who reads something that they would like to recommend to others to be considered for a Hugo nomination can add it to the list. We will publish it from time to time in Instant Message and on the nets. (Feel free to reproduce it provided you reproduce it intact!) It's neither definitive nor complete, but it contains the stories, novels and non-fiction works that a bunch of well-read fans feel may be worthy of a Hugo nomination

Ring of Swords              Eleanor Arnason        Tor                 gf
Forward the Foundation      Isaac Asimov           Doubleday           arl, rk
Against a Dark Background   Iain M. Banks          Orbit, Bantam       ca, kp
The Innkepper's Song        Peter S. Beagle        Roc                 gf
Moving Mars                 Greg Bear              Tor                 mlo, gf
Glory Season                David Brin             Bantam Spectra      arl
Agyar                       Steven Brust           Tor                 ec, ks
The Door into Sunset (UK,   Diane Duane            Tor                 ec, ks
Growing Up Weightless       John M. Ford           Bantam Spectra      cjh, gf, ks
Virtual Light               William Gibson         Bantam Spectra      gf
The Thread That Binds the   Nina Kiriki Hoffman    AvoNova             po, gf, ks
Nimbus                      Alexander Jablokov     AvoNova             ec
Beggars in Spain            Nancy Kress            AvoNova             gf, ca
Red Dust                    Paul J. McAuley        Gollancz            ca
Green Mars                  Kim Stanley Robinson   Harper Collins UK   daa, ca, mlo, gf
Lord of the Two Lands       Judith Tarr            Tor                 ec, mlo, pal
Virtual Girl                Amy Thomson            Ace                 sls, gf, ks
The Destiny Makers          George Turner          Morrow/AvoNova      ec
The Case of the Toxic       Harry Turtledove       Baen                by, kp
Spell Dump
The Well-Favored Man        Elizabeth Willey       Tor                 mlo, po
The Harvest                 Robert Charles Wilson  Bantam              ca, gf, daa, kp
Nightside the Long Sun      Gene Wolfe             Tor                 gf, ec, mlo

The Beauty Addict           Ray Aldridge           Full Spectrum 4     gf
The Night We Buried Road    Jack Cady              F&SF, Jan           ca, gf
Mephisto in Onyx            Harlan Ellison         Omni, Oct           sls, gf
Dancing on Air              Nancy Kress            Asimov's, Jul       arl, gf
Einstein's Dreams           Alan Lightman          Pantheon            el
Into the Miranda Rift       G. David Nordley       ASF, Jul            arl, tp, ca, gf,
                                                                       pal, daa, mlo
Deus X                      Norman Spinrad         Bantam              el
Down in the Bottomlands     Harry Turtledove       ASF, Jan            arl
Wall, Stone, Craft          Walter Jon Williams    F&SF Oct-Nov        arl, ks, gf, mlo

The Shadow Knows            Terry Bisson           Asimov's Sept       arl, gf
Tourist Attraction          Juleen Brantingham     Amazing, Aug        arl
Men of Good Will            J. R. Dunn             Amazing, Mar        ca, mlo
Chaff                       Greg Egan              Interzone, Dec      gf
A History of the Antipodes  Phillip C. Jennings    Amazing, Mar        ca, gf
The Franchise               John Kessel            Asimov's, Aug       gf
Sunshine, Genius and Rust   Jeffery D. Kooistra    ASF, May            arl
Because Thou Lovest the     Michael Kube-McDowell  Alternate           arl
Burning Ground                                     Warriors -
                                                   Resnick / Tor
Beneath the Stars of        Geoffrey Landis        Asimov's, Jan       gf, ca
Dancing to Ganam            Ursula K. Le Guin      Amazing, Sept       gf
Papa                        Ian R. MacLeod         Asimov's, Oct       ca
The Dakna                   Jamil Nasir            Asimov's, Sept      arl, ca
Sister Alice                Robert Reed            Asimov's, Nov       ca
The Arrival of Truth        Kristine Kathryn       Alternate           arl, gf
                            Rusch                  Warriors -
                                                   Resnick / Tor
Georgia on My Mind          Charles Sheffield      ASF, Jan            gf, ca
Suicidal Tendencies         Dave Smeds             Full Spectrum 4     gf
Deep Eddy                   Bruce Sterling         Asimov's, Aug 93    gf, ca
The Ape That Ate the        Ian Stewart            ASF, Jul            tp, gf
In Dreams                   Andrew Weiner          Asimov's mid-Dec    arl
Death on the Nile           Connie Willis          Asimov's, Mar 93    gf

Short story
Everything That Rises,      Michael Armstrong      Asimov's, Feb       gf, ca
Must Converge
Love Toys of the Gods       Pat Cadigan            Moni Best SF Three  gf, ca
Afterschool Special         Paul DiFilippo         Amazing, Jun        ca
Campbell's World            Paul DiFilippo         Amazing, Sept       ca, arl, mlo, gf
Promised Lives              Julia Ecklar           F&SF, Sept          el
Steam                       John Griesemer         Asimov's May        ca
Touching Fire               Nicola Griffith        Interzone 70,       arl
The Battle of Long Island   Nancy Kress            Omni, Feb/Mar       ca, gf, mlo
Hugh Merrow                 Jonathan Lethem        F&SF Oct-Nov        arl
The Passage of the Light    Barry N. Malzberg      SF Age, Nov         arl
The Color of Sunfire        Larry Niven            Bridging the        kevs
Procrustes                  Larry Niven            Bridging the        kevs
Blind                       Robert Reed            Asimov's, May       arl, gf
Mwalimu in the Squared      Mike Resnick           Asimov's Mar 93 /   arl, gf
Circle                                             Alt. Warriors
The Light at the End of     Carrie Richerson       F&SF Oct-Nov        arl
the Day
The Story So Far            Martha Soukup          Full Spectrum 4     gf, ca
Sacred Cow                  Bruce Sterling         Omni, Jan           gf
The Murderer                Lawrence Watt-Evans    Asimov's, Apr       el

Non Fiction
Once Around the Bloch       Robert Bloch           Tor                 ca, ks
The John W. Campbell        Perry A.               AC Projects         mlo
Letters, Vol II: Asimov &   Chapdelaine, Sr.
Van Vogt
PITFCS: Proceedings of      Theodore Cogswell      Advent              ca, mlo
the Institute for
Twenty-First Century
Adventures in Unhistory     Avram Davidson         Owlswick            gf, mlo
Encyclopedia of SF          Clute & Nicholls       St. Martin's        mlo, gf, pal
Morgoth's Ring              Christopher Tolkien    Houghton Mifflin    mlo, kp
The Art of Michael Whelan   Michael Whelan         Bantam              gf
Time Machines               P. J. Nahin            American Inst. of   mlo
                                                   Physics Press

Dramatic Presentation
5-Minute Retrospective of   Connie Willis          Nebula banquet      el
Groundhog Day                                                          gf, kp
Jurassic Park                                                          ca, jam, sls, pf, kp
Oedipus Rex                                        PBS                 el
Timescape                                          ST:TNG 6/19/93      ca
Vampyr: A Soap Opera                               A&E                 el
Nightmare Before Christmas  Tim Burton             Disney              sls, kp, cmcd, pf,
                                                                       ca, daa. kp

Original Artwork
Agyar                       Jim Burns              Cover of Steven     ca
                                                   Brust's novel
The Consort                 Jim Burns              Cover of            ca
                                                   Asimov's, Apr 93
Lord of the Two Lands       David Cherry           Cover of Judith     ca, mlo
                                                   Tarr's novel (Tor)
Orcaurora                   Bob Eggleton                               sls, ged, sls
Space Fantasy Stamps        Stephen Hickman                            el, kevs
Chimera                     Peter Peebles          Mary Rosenblum's    ca
                                                   novel (Del Rey)

Campbell award

Maggie Flinn
Holly Lisle
Carrie Richerson
Amy Thomson
Elisabeth Willey                                                       mlo

Key to nominators:
ca: Claire Anderson, daa: Dave Anderson, ec: Elisabeth Carey, ged: Gay Ellen Dennett, gf: George Flynn, pf: Pam Fremon, mh: Mark Hertel, rk: Rick Katze, el: Evelyn Leeper, pal: Paula Leiberman, arl: Tony Lewis, jam: Jim Mann, lm: Laurie Mann, cmcd: Craig McDonough, mlo: Mark Olson, po: Priscilla Olson, kp: Kelly Persons, sls: Sharon Sbarsky, ks: Kurt Siegel; kevs: Kevin Standlee, by: Ben Yalow