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Donate to NESFA

NESFA, the New England Science Fiction Association, is a non-profit group (and a 501(c)(3) corporation) interested in supporting all things related to science fiction and fantasy.

Formerly, Amazon’s “Smile” program allowed you to donate a small amount of your Amazon payments, automatically with each purchase, but they discontinued that program as of Februrary 20, 2023. If we find an alternative, we’ll post it here.

Please consider donating directly:

Donations to a 501(c)(3) corporation are tax-deductible.

As you can see from the main page, we do a lot of things at NESFA. Among other things, we:

What would we do with your money?

Your donation would be used to support all activities of the club, from trivial practical needs to major projects. In particular, we have a number of things in mind that a bit of money would enhance. Among other things, we’d like to: