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Music & Drama

UNDER CONSTRUCTION—please let us know if you have cast lists, photographs, etc.

updated 20-Jan-2018



Prior to the existence of the permanent NESFA Hymnals, Filksong books were often produced for individual Boskones. These were ephemeral items created anew each year. Not even the titles were consistent. All these items are out of print.

These were followed by the permanent NESFA Hymnals

During 1977-1979 (Boskones 14, 15, 16) Mark Keller and Sue Anderson wrote musical comedies that were produced by the convention. The libretti have been collected in Rivets!!!

For Constellation, the 41tst World Science Fiction Convention in Baltimore, 1983, NESFA produced a book of the Guest of Honour's songs. This book was profusely illustrated by many fan artists. There are both perfect bound and comb bound states; the latter is easier to use at filksings.

Since Boskone 29, 1992, NESFA has brought a Featured Filker to the Boskones to help integrate filking into the general program; this included concerts, program items, sing-alongs, and the like.  The Featured Filkers have been:

The major organized filk group in this geographic area is MASSFILC who support filking at Boskone and Arisia as well as occasionally running the Northeast Filk Convention. The convention is called ConCertino when held in this area. They have run the 1992, 1995, 1999, 2003, and 2006 Northeast Filk Conventions.