The Current Officers and Assistants
(Term: May 2024–May 2025; Officers limited to three consecutive years. The four officers together form the eboard. We also keep a history of NESFA officers.)
- Assistants:
- Judy Bemis
- David G. Grubbs
- Suford Lewis, Tim Szczesuil — For Tax Matters
- Check Depositor: Dave Anderson, Dave Cantor, and Rick Kovalcik
- Miva/eCommerce: Sharon Sbarsky, Tim Szczesuil
- Cash Register Wrangler: Dave Anderson
- Mail Room: Dave Cantor
- Mail Pickup: Dave Cantor
- Production Assistant: Dave Cantor
- Email Administrators:
- David G. Grubbs
- Rick Kovalcik
- Sharon Sbarsky
- Calendar:
- Michael Kerpan
- David G. Grubbs
- Roster & Membership Database:
- Dave Cantor
- Mailing Labels for IM:
- Dave Cantor
- IM Review:
- David G. Grubbs
- Dave Anderson
- Rick Kovalcik
- Chip Hitchcock
- Gloria Albasi
- others as needed
- Zoom Runner: Michael Kerpan, Rick Kovalcik
Many NESFAns have their own home pages and/or LiveJournals. Others have given us permission to publish their reviews and fanzines on the web. Various NESFAns are also active in other Massachusetts organizations and conventions such as Costumecon, MCFI, MASSFILC, Arisia, and Readercon.
Committee Members and Other Positions
Here is a list of the current committee members and other appointees.
The Rules Committee
A committee of Voting Members who are not Officers, with several statutory duties, currently engaged in these activities.