Electronic Instant Message
Instant Message is the NESFA club newsletter. If you become a member of NESFA you'll receive one about 11 times per year.
Instant Message is normally mailed out in paper form. If you want to receive it electronically, or receive a notification when you can retrieve it from our web site, you can sign up for one of two mailing lists. You can sign up for both if you like, though that's probably a rare need.
Signing up for either of these lists does not cause us to stop sending you the paper version. You can stop the paper IM by sending email to roster@nesfa.org, regardless of whether you have signed up for electronic delivery. Note that certain issues of IM, such as those containing the roster, will still be sent via paper, even if you ask paper to stop. Also note that the three forms — paper, announcement, pdf — can each be turned on or off independently.
Adding yourself to either of the mailing lists requires moderator approval; only email addresses known to belong to NESFA members will be approved. If you're not sure, send a note with your name, the list you want to sign up for, and the desired email address to roster@nesfa.org well before trying to sign up.
Also, we would like to keep a contact email address for you in our roster. It is a lot easier for both you and us if we can communicate, when necessary, via email. Your contact email can be a unique address or the same address you use for one of the im-{pdf,announce} lists. If you want your contact address not to be generally known, tell us to mark it as "do not publish" (which will prevent it from appearing in the roster or in any roster updates published in IM). The email addresses you use when signing up for im-pdf or im-announce will not be stored in the roster, unless you give one of them to us as your contact address.
If this isn't enough info for you to do what you'd like to do, or you have trouble using the lists, please contact listadmin@nesfa.org.
An archive of Instant Message is available here. See the latest IM for access information.
im‑announce | NESFA Instant Message Announcement Mailing List |
If you add yourself to this list (by clicking on the link to the left and entering your name and an email address), you'll receive an announcement that a new Instant Message is available, along with access instructions. | |
im-pdf | NESFA Instant Message PDF Broadcast Mailing List |
If you add yourself to this list (by clicking on the link to the left and entering your name and an email address), you'll not only receive the same announcement and instructions as members of im-announce will receive, but you'll also get an attached PDF of the Instant Message itself. |
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