LAcon 3 is running the first Retro-Hugos which will award real, genuine Hugos for the year 1945. If it works well this year it may be continued in subsequent years. To make it work, NESFA is running a recommendations list for 1945 as well as for 1995. Any NESFA member who would like to recommend an item from 1945 to others to be considered for a Hugo nomination can add it to the list. We will publish it from time to time in Instant Message and on the nets. (Feel free to reproduce it provided you reproduce it intact!) It's neither definitive nor complete, but it contains the stories, novels and non-fiction works that a bunch of well-read fans feel may be worthy of a Hugo nomination.
Novels C. S. Lewis That Hideous Strength mlo George Orwell Animal Farm mlo Fritz Leiber Destiny Times Three ASF, Mar-Apr 45 by A. E. Van Vogt The World of Null-A ASF, Aug-Oct 45 rk, by Novella / Novelette Isaac Asimov The Dead Hand (1st half of ASF, Apr 45 mlo, rk, by Foundation and Empire) Isaac Asimov The Mule (2nd half of ASF, Nov 45 mlo, rk, by Foundation and Empire) A. Bertram Chandler Giant Killer ASF, Oct 45 mlo, arl Lester Del Rey Into Thy Hands ASF, Aug 45 arl, by, bep Edmund Hamilton Red Sun of Danger SS bep Murray Leinster First Contact ASF, May 45 mlo, arl, rk, by, bep Murray Leinster Things Pass By TW, Sum, 45 arl, rk Frank Belknap Long Hollow World SS bep Lewis Padgett Beggars in Velvet ASF by, ta, bep Lewis Padgett The Lion and the Unicorn ASF by, ta Lewis Padgett The Piper's Son ASF, Feb 45 arl, rk, by, ta, mlo Lewis Padgett Three Blind Mice ASF by, ta, bep George O. Smith Identity ASF, Nov 45 George O. Smith Pandora's Millions ASF, Jun 45 George O. Smith Special Delivery ASF, Mar 45 by, bep A. E. Van Vogt The Mixed Men ASF bep Wilson Vandals of the Void Planet Stories bep Short Story Ralph Abernathy When the Rockets Come ASF, Mar 45 arl Isaac Asimov Paradoxical Escape by Robert Bloch Lefty Feep Gets Henpecked FA, Apr 45 bep Fredric Brown Pi in the Sky TW, Win 45 bep Fredric Brown The Waveries ASF, Jan 45 rk, mlo, by, bep Hal Clement Uncommon Sense ASF, Sep 45 mlo, by, bep Raymond F. Jones Correspondence Course ASF, Apr 45 mlo, rk Murray Leinster De Profundis TW, Win 45 mlo Murray Leinster The Ethical Equations ASF, Jun 45 by Murray Leinster Interference ASF, Oct 45 Murray Leinster The Power ASF, Sep 45 mlo, arl, by Lewis Padgett Line to Tomorrow by Lewis Padgett What You Need ASF, Oct 45 arl, rk, by, bep George O. Smith Trouble Times Two ASF, Dec 45 Jack Vance The World Thinker TW, Sum 45
Best Non-Fiction Richard Shaver I Remember Lemuria Amazing bep
Pro Artist Earle K. Bergey bep Hannes Bok jds Virgil Finlay jds, mlo Robert Gibson bep Jones Frank R. Paul bep, mlo
Best Editor John W. Campbell Astounding mlo, by, bep Ray Palmer Amazing Sam Merwin Thrilling bep Wonder Stories / Startlinng Stories
Dramatic Blithe Spirit UA bep House of Dracula Universal bep House of Frankenstein Universal bep Road to Utopia Paramount bep Horn Blows at Midnight Warner bep
Fan Artist Joe Gibson bep Alva Rogers bep Jack Weidenbek bep Lou Goldstone bep Bill Rotsler bep
Fan Writer Charles Burbee bep F. Towner Laney bep Bob Tucker bep Forry Ackerman bep Joe Kennedy bep
Fanzines title # issues Editor nominato Notes r The Acolyte Laney & Russell jds, by, bep Vampire 4 Joe Kennedy jds Canadian Fandom 2 Taylor jds En Garde Ashley bep Shangri-L'Affaires 6 Burbee-4, jds, bep Hewitt-2 Voice of the 11 Forrest J. jds, ImagiNation Ackerman by, bep Fanews 154 Dunkelberger jds Stefnews 27 Jack Speer jds Chanticleer 2 Walt Leibscher jds, bep Fantasy Commentator 4 Searles jds this was the zine that Laney wanted The Acolyte to be. The Immortal Storm was being serialized at this time in FC Toward Tomorrow 2 Kepner jds Centauri 1 Anderson jds TimeBinder 3 Evans jds Garden of Fear 1 Crawford jds a semi-pro fiction collection from.
Key to nominators:
ca: Claire Anderson, daa: Dave Anderson, ta: Ted Atwood, rb:
Ray Bowie, mab: Michael Burstein, ec: Elisabeth Carey, ged: Gay Ellen Dennett,
gf: George Flynn, pf: Pam Fremon, mh: Mark Hertel, cjh: Chip Hitchcock, rk:
Rick Katze, arl: Tony Lewis, pal: Paula Lieberman; jam: Jim Mann, mlo: Mark
Olson, po: Priscilla Olson, bep: Bruce Pelz, kp: Kelly Persons, jr: Joe Rico,
sls: Sharon Sbarsky, jds: Joe Siclari, by: Ben Yalow