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NESFA® 1998 Hugo Recommendations

15 March 1999 — mlo

NESFA continues to maintain a list of Good Stuff to read. Any NESFA member who reads something that they would like to recommend to others to be considered for a Hugo nomination can add it to the list. We will publish it from time to time in Instant Message and on the nets. (Feel free to reproduce it provided you reproduce it intact!) It's neither definitive nor complete, but it contains the stories, novels and non-fiction works that a bunch of well-read fans feel may be worthy of a Hugo nomination. Items in bold indicate the Hugo winner for this year (1998).

Earth Made of Glass John Barnes Tor mlo, pg, ec, arl, gf, by
Dinosaur Summer Greg Bear Warner Aspect mlo, po, kp, ec, pg
Cosm Gregory Benford Avon gf
Komarr Lois McMaster Bujold Baen by
The Art of Arrow Cutting ('97) Stephen Dedman Tor mlo
Rogue Star Michael F. Flynn Tor pg, mh, by
Brown Girl in the Ring Nalo Hopkinson   ebh
Newton's Cannon J. Gregory Keyes Del Rey arl, ca
Moonfall Jack McDevitt Harper arl
The Centurion's Empire Sean McMullen Tor pg
Antarctica ('97) Kim Stanley Robinson   pg
Children of God Mary Doria Russell Villard mlo, po, pg, jam, ec
Distraction Bruce Sterling BantamSpectra pg, gf, js2
Island in the Sea of Time S. M. Stirling Roc ca, daa, rk
The Death of the Necromancer Martha Wells Avon pg, pal
To Say Nothing of the Dog Connie Willis Bantam Spectra jam, pg, arl, gf, by
Darwinia Robert Charles Wilson Tor ca, daa, arl, po, mlo, mh, ec

Get Me to the Church on Time Terry Bisson Asimov's 5/98 ca
Story of Your Life Ted Chiang Starlight 2 ca, gf, mlo
Ancestral Voices Gardner Dozois and Michael Swanwick Asimov's 8/98 ca
Oceanic Greg Egan Asimov's 8/98 gf
A Princess of Helium R. Garcia y Robertson F&SF 9/98 ca, gf
The Summer Isles Ian R. MacLeod Asimov's 10-11/98 ca, gf
The Days of Solomon Gursky Ian McDonald Asimov's 6/98 gf
The Cuckoo's Boys Robert Reed SF Age 9/98 ca, gf

The Question Ben Bova Analog 1/98 ca, gf
The Planck Dive Greg Egan Asimov's 2/98 arl, mlo
The Allies Mark S. Geston F&SF 5/98 ca, gf
Approaching Perimelasma Geoffrey Landis Asimov's 1/98 gf, ca
Getting to Know You David Marusek Asimov's 3/98 ('97 reprint) ca
The Gardens of Saturn Paul J. McAuley Interzone 11/98 gf
On the Oodnadatta Alastair Reynolds Interzone, 2/99 ca
Echea Kristine Kathryn Rusch Asimov's 7/98 gf
Waiting for the End Robert Silverberg Asimov's 10-11/98 ca
Taklamakan Bruce Sterling Asimov's 10-11/98 ca, gf
Divided by Infinity Robert Charles Wilson Starlight 2 ca, mlo, gf

Short Story
Moon-Calf Stephen Baxter Analog 7-8/98 ca
The Mars Convention Timons Esaias Interzone 9/98 ca
The Thing Over There Dominic Green Interzone 6/98 ca
A Game of Consequences David Langford Starlight 2 mlo
The Secret of My Success Paul J. McAuley Interzone 5/98 gf, ca
Whiptail Robert Reed Asimov's 10-11/98 gf
Stroboscopic Alastair Reynolds Interzone 8/98 ca
Maneki Neko Bruce Sterling F&SF 5/98 ca, gf
The Very Pulse of the Machine Michael Swanwick Asimov's 2/98 ca, gf
Microcosmic Dog Michael Swanwick SF Age 11/98 ca
Radiant Doors Michael Swanwick Asimov's 9/98 ca, gf
Wild Minds Michael Swanwick Asimov's 5/98 gf, ca

Northern Dreamers Edo van Belkom Quarry Press ca
Science Fiction: The Gernsback Years E. F. Bleiler Kent State mlo, arl, gf
The Realm of Tolkien     mlo
The Works of Jack Williamson Richard Hauptman NESFA Press mlo, arl
Spectrum 5 Cathy Fenner & Arnie Fenner Underwood ca, ged

Dramatic Presentation
The Truman Show   ca, daa, jam, pf, sls
Sliding Doors   ca
Dark City   ca, daa, gf
In the Pale Moonlight st:ds9 jam, ec, ebh
The Borrowers   mlo
Far Beyond the Stars st:ds9 jam, ec
Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night st:ds9 jam, ec
Pleasantville   ca, daa, sls, pf
Practical Magic   sls
Six String Samurai   ca, daa
The Sticky Fingers of Time   ca, daa
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Amends (Christmas '98 show)   by
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Becoming (2 part 2nd season finale   by
Star Trek: Insurrection   pf, ged


Other Good Reads

Starfarers Poul Anderson Tor gf, mlo
In the Garden of Iden ('97) Kage Baker Harper pg, po
Foundation and Chaos Greg Bear   mlo, arl, ec
Dinosaur Summer Greg Bear Warner Aspect gf
Komarr Lois McMaster Bujold Baen mlo, arl, sl, pg, ec, gf, daa
The Art of Arrow Cutting ('97) Stephen Dedman Tor po
The Centurion's Empire Sean McMullen Tor mlo
Helm Steven Gould Tor mlo, ca, ec, daa
Deepdrive Alexander Jablokov   pg, mh, ec
Moonfall Jack McDevitt Harper arl, pg, ca, mh, daa
Song for the Basilisk Patricia McKillip   po, pal
Dust Charles Pellegrino Avon gf
Circle of Magic: Sandy's Book Tamora Pierce Scholastic pal
Circle of Magic: Tris' Book Tamora Pierce Scholastic pal
Circle of Magic: Darja's Book Tamora Pierce Scholastic pal
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone J. K. Rowling Scholastic ged, po, pf
Factoring Humanity Robert Sawyer   pg, ec
Aftermath Charles Sheffield BantamSpectra pg
Island in the Sea of Time S. M. Stirling Roc mlo, kp, ec, po, ec, gf
Six Moon Dance Sheri Tepper   esa, po
Ports of Call Jack Vance Tor mlo, gf
Golden Globe John Varley Ace pg
Empire of the Ants Bernard Werber   pg, ca
The Death of the Necromancer Martha Wells Avon gf
To Say Nothing of the Dog Connie Willis Bantam Spectra mlo, arl
Darwinia Robert Charles Wilson Tor arl

The Rocket Boys Homer Hickham, Jr.   pf

Key to nominators:
arl: Tony Lewis, by: Ben Yalow, ca: Claire Anderson, cjh: Chip Hitchcock, cle: Chris Logan Edwards, daa: Dave Anderson, dea: Deb Atwood, ebh: Lisa Hertel, ec: Elisabeth Carey, ecl: Evelyn Leeper, esa: Ted Atwood, ged: Gay Ellen Dennett, gf: George Flynn; jam: Jim Mann, jb: Judy Bemis, jr: Joe Rico, js: Joe Siclari, js2: Joyce Scrivner, kp: Kelly Persons, mdh: Mark Hertel, mlo: Mark Olson, pal: Paula Lieberman, pf: Pam Fremon, pg: Paul Giguere, po: Priscilla Olson, rb: Ray Bowie, rk: Rick Katze, sl: Suford Lewis, sls: Sharon Sbarsky