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NESFA® 2000 Hugo Recommendations

23 May 2001 — mlo

Besides the Hugos for the year 2000 the 2001 Worldcon, Philcon, will be running the Retro-Hugos for 1950. The rules and categories are exactly the same.

NESFA continues to maintain a list of Good Stuff to read. Any NESFA member who reads something that they would like to recommend to others to be considered for a Hugo nomination can add it to the list. We will publish it from time to time in Instant Message and on the nets. (Feel free to reproduce it provided you reproduce it intact!) It's neither definitive nor complete, but it contains the stories, novels and non-fiction works that a bunch of well-read fans feel may be worthy of a Hugo nomination. Remember also that for this year works first published elsewhere in 1999 but not published in the US until after 31 January 2000 are also eligible for the 2000 Hugo.

Look to Windward Iain M. Banks Orbit gf, kp, vjd, jam, sg
Manifold: Time Stephen Baxter Ballantine/Del Rey jks, sg
Eater Gregory Benford Eos gf
Venus Ben Bova Tor arl
The Shadow of the Hegemon Orson Scott Card Tor mlo
The Light of Other Days Arthur C. Clarke & Stephen Baxter Tor pg
Doors of Death and Life Brenda Clough Tor shs
Teranesia ('99) Greg Egan HarperPrism vjd
The Last Hot Time John M. Ford Tor mlo
The Book of Ash Mary Gentle Gollancz; Eos shs, ecl, gf
The Naked God (UK '99) Peter F. Hamilton Macmillan UK, Warner Aspect vjd, sg
Lord of Emperors Guy Gavriel Kay HarperPrism shs
The Telling Ursula K. Le Guin Harcourt gf, sg
Cosmonaut Keep Ken MacLeod Orbit gf, mlo, jam, sg
The Sky Road Ken MacLeod Gollancz; Tor mlo, jam, gf, by, vjd, tps, mh, sg
The Stone Canal (UK '96) Ken MacLeod Tor (Jan 00) mlo, jks, tps, mh
A Storm of Swords George R. R. Martin Bantam Spectra gf, po
Infinity Beach Jack McDevitt HarperPrism pg, mlo, ca, shs, sg
Murphy's Gambit Syne Mitchell Roc dea, kba, dak
Abandon in Place Jerry Oltion Tor shs
The Truth Terry Pratchett HarperCollins po
Revelation Space Alastair Reynolds Gollancz, Ace 2001 mlo, ca, gf, jam, by, vjd, sg
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire J. K. Rowling Bloomsbury/Scholastic pf, ged, esa, ebh, ec, arl
Calculating God Robert J. Sawyer Tor shs
Ventus Karl Schroder Tor mlo, arl, sg
Wheelers Ian Stewart & Jack Cohen Warner Aspect arl, ca, mlo, po
Galveston Sean Stewart Ace gf
When the King Returns Caroline Stevermer Ace mlo
On the Oceans of Eternity S. M. Stirling Roc ca
The Fresco Sheri Tepper Eos po
Tangled Up in Blue Joan Vinge Tor pal
The King's Peace Jo Walton Tor jks, ec
Wheel of the Infinite Martha Wells Eos pal

A Roll of the Dice Catherine Asaro Analog 7-8/00 arl, sg
Seventy-Two Letters Ted Chiang Vanishing Acts shs, ecl, gf
Under Hal Clement Analog 1/00 arl
Obsidian Harvest Rick Cook & Ernest Hogan Analog 4/00 arl, ca
Oracle Greg Egan Asimov's 7/00 ca, gf, mlo
Savior Nancy Kress Asimov's 6/00 gf, ca
Goddesses Linda Nagata scifi site jks, sg
The Forest Between the Worlds G. David Nordley Asimov's 2/00 ca, gf
Great Wall of Mars Alastair Reynolds Spectrum SF 1 ca, gf, mlo, daa, sg
The Retrieval Artist Kristine Kathryn Rusch Analog 6/00 arl, ca
Radiant Green Star Lucius Shepard Asimov's 8/00 ca, gf
To leuchars Rick Wilber Asimov's 9/00 ca

On the Orion Line Stephen Baxter Asimov's 10-11/00 ca, gf, sg
Kings of Eternity Eric Brown SFA 1/00 shs
The Alien Abduction James L. Cambias F&SF 9/00 ca, gf
Stink Lines Paul Di Filippo F&SF 2/00 gf
Feel the Zaz James Patrick Kelly Asimov's 6/00 ca
Cloud Sky City Alexis Glynn Latner Analog 9/00 arl
Chitty Bang Bang Ian R. MacLeod Asimov's 6/00 ca, gf, sg
Colours of the Soul Sean McMullen Interzone 2/00 ca, gf
Romance in Extended Time Tom Purdom Asimov's 3/00 ca, gf, jam
Sergeant Mother Glory Tom Purdom Asimov's 10-11/00 gf
The Noise of Their Joye Tom Purdom Asimov's 5/00 ca, gf, mlo
The Prophet Ugly Robert Reed Asimov's 4/00 ca, gf, jam
Hideaway Alastair Reynolds Interzone 7/00 jam, ca, gf, sg
Merlin's Gun Alastair Reynolds Asimov's 5/00 ca, gf, mlo, jam, sg
Millennium Babies Kristine Kathryn Rusch Asimov's 1/00 ca
Primes Lewis Shiner F&SF 10-11/00 ca, gf, sg
Snowball in Hell Brian Stableford Analog 12/00 ca
Agape Among the Robots Allen Steele Analog 5/00 ca
A Colder War Charles Stross Spectrum SF 3 7/00 ca
The Goddess Danced Lois Tilton Graven Images shs
High and Away Shane Tourtellotte Artemis 2 shs

Short Story
Sheena 5 Stephen Baxter Analog 5/00 ca, sg
Silver Ghost Stephen Baxter Asimov's 9/00 gf, sg
The Gravity Mine Stephen Baxter Asimov's 4/00 ca, gf, mlo, jam
A Diagram of Rapture James L. Cambias F&SF 4/00 gf, ca
Reflections Jayge Carr Analog 9/00 arl
Different Kinds of Darkness David Langford F&SF 1/00 ca, gf, mlo
The Royals of Hegn Ursula k. Le Guin Asimov's 2/00 ca
The Suspended Fourth Paul Levinson Analog 3/00 ca
Interstitial Paul J. McAuley Asimov's 7/00 ca, gf
Colours of the Soul Sean McMullen Interzone 2/00 jam, gm
Antibodies Charles Stross Interzone 7/00 gf
Moon Dogs Michael Swanwick Moon Dogs tps, arl, sg

Related Book
Science Fiction Culture Camille Bacon-Smith U. of Penna. Press shs, ech
In Smog and Thunder Sandow Birk Laguana Art Museum ca, mlo, po
Terry Pratchett: Guilty of Literature Andrew M. Butler, Edward James, Farah Mendlesohn The Science Fiction Foundation mlo, po, jam, shs
Jack Vance: Critical Appreciations and a Bibliography A. E. Cunningham British Library mlo
Greetings from Earth Bob Eggleton Paper Tiger gf, tps
Tolkien's Legendarium Verlyn Flieger, Carl F. Hostetter Greenwood Press mlo, tps
Robert A. Heinlein: A Reader's Companion James Gifford Nitrosyncretic Press mlo
Comic Book Culture Ron Goulart Collector's Press ca
A Concordance to Cordwainer Smith Anthony R. Lewis NESFA Press mlo, arl, jam, po, tps, sg
Horror of the 20th Century Robert weinberg Collector's Press ca
Space and Beyond Gary Westfahl, ed Greenwood Press ca
The Encyclopedia of Fantastic Film R. G. Young Applause ca, mlo, po

Dramatic Presentation
Chicken Run   mlo, pf, po, ged, daa, jam, ecl, sg
George Lucas in Love   mlo, ca, daa, pf, ged, sls, ec, po, ebh, arl, tps, ged
The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle   pf, shs
Frequency   sls, ca
Walking with Dinosaurs   mlo, tps, po
Gormenghast   jam
Fantasia 2000   vjd, shs
Unbreakable   ca, daa
Shadow of the Vampire   ca, daa, ecl, sg
Frank Herbert's Dune   vjd, tps, mlo, po, dak, sg
Space Cowboys   sls, ged, ecl
Peut etre   ca, daa
The Way We Weren't Farscape jam
Copenhagen (London, '98) Michael Frayn cjh
Bill Clinton's Final Days   jks
X-Men   ca, po, ged, pf, pal, jam, tps, dak
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Ang Lee jam, ca, daa, sls, po, mlo, ecl, sg
This Year's Girl/Who Are You Buffy by, jam
Fool for Love/Darla Buffy/Angel by, jam
The Prodigal Angel by, jam
Five by Five/Sanctuary Angel by
Are You Now or Have You Ever Been Angel by
Untouched Angrl by
Dear Boy Angel by


Other Good Reads

Mendoza in Hollywood Kage Baker Harcourt pg, ebh
Candle John Barnes Tor gf
Manifold: Space Stephen Baxter Voyager; Del Rey 2001 mlo, sg
The Light of Other Days Arthur C. Clarke & Stephen Baxter Tor gf, mlo
Child of Flame Kate Elliot DAW pal
1632 Eric Flint Baen ca
Blind Waves Steven Gould Tor mh, ca
Midnight Robber Nalo Hopkinson Warner Aspect gf
Valor's Choice Tanya Huff DAW pal
Year of the Griffin Diana Wynne Jones Greenwillow pal, pf
The Stone Canal (UK '96) Ken MacLeod Tor (Jan 00) pg, sg
Shrine of Stars Paul J. McAuley Gollancz '99, Eos 00 gf
Infinity Beach Jack McDevitt HarperPrism gf. mh
The Ice Limit Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child Warner ca
Marrow Robert Reed Tor mlo, sg
The Master of All Desires Judith Merkle Riley Viking ('99) mlo, po, ec
Judgment in Death J. D. Robb Berkley ged, dak
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire J. K. Rowling Bloomsbury/Scholastic mlo, gf, po, daa, tps
Chimera Will Shetterly Tor ca, daa, po
Wheelers Ian Stewart & Jack Cohen Warner Aspect gf
When the King Returns Caroline Stevermer Ace pal, po
On the Oceans of Eternity S. M. Stirling Roc daa, ec, po
Wheel of the Infinite Martha Wells Eos gf

Short fiction


Dramatic Presentation
Bedazzled   sls
Space Cowboys   daa

Key to nominators:
ansl: Alice Lewis, arl: Tony Lewis, by: Ben Yalow, ca: Claire Anderson, cjh: Chip Hitchcock, cle: Chris Logan Edwards, daa: Dave Anderson, dak: Debbie King, dea: Deb Atwood, ebh: Lisa Hertel, ec: Elisabeth Carey, ecl: Evelyn Leeper, esa: Ted Atwood, ged: Gay Ellen Dennett, gf: George Flynn; jam: Jim Mann, jb: Judy Bemis, jr: Joe Rico, js: Joe Siclari, jks: Joyce Scrivner, kp: Kelly Persons, ldtm: Laurie Mann,  mdh: Mark Hertel, mlo: Mark Olson, pal: Paula Lieberman, pf: Pam Fremon, pg: Paul Giguere, po: Priscilla Olson, rb: Ray Bowie, rk: Rick Katze, sg: Sam Gentile, shs: Steven Silver, sl: Suford Lewis, sls: Sharon Sbarsky, tps: Tim Szczesuil, vjd: Vincent J. Docherty