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Hardcover (Trade)

Published September 2004
Hardcover (Trade) price: $21.00
Weight: 1.23

ISBN-13: 978-1-886778-58-0
ISBN-10: 1-886778-58-2
Page count: 142
Book Size: 5-1/2" x 8-1/2"

"Doc"—First Galactic Roamer

A Complete Bibliography and Publishing Checklist of Books and Articles by and About E. E. "Doc" Smith

This text relates to the 1st edition • Hardcover (Trade)

by Stephen C. Lucchetti

This is the most complete bibliography of E. E. Smith's writings and secondary sources writing about him.

Table of Contents

  • Preface: Ode to a Skylark – Frederik Pohl
  • Foreward
  • Bio-Bibliographical Timeline
  • First Printings – Articles, Books, Letters
  • Manuscript Collections
  • Books – Complete Publishing Checklist
  • Magazine Stories & Articles
  • Secondary Source Materials
  • Lensman Universe
  • Anime
  • Biographical Information
  • Book Reviews
  • Miscellaneous
  • Magazine Entries by Magazine Title
  • Chronological List of all Publications

E. E. "Doc" Smith

Inventor of "Space Opera"—best known for his Skylark and Lensmen series. Some information can be found here.

NOTE: Advent published The Universes of E. E. Smith, a concordance to the Skylark and Lensmen series by Ron Ellik and Bill Evans. This is available from NESFA Press.

Edited by Mark L. Olson
Cover art by Douglas Lucchetti