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Hardcover (Trade)

Published October 2009
Hardcover (Trade) price: $29.00
Weight: 2.23

ISBN-13: 978-1-886778-86-3
ISBN-10: 1-886778-86-8
Page count: 454
Book Size: 5-1/2" x 8-1/2"

Flights of Eagles

This text relates to the 1st edition • Hardcover (Trade)

by James Blish

A second collection of the works of James Blish.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction by Tom Shippey
  • Welcome to Mars
  • Jack of Eagles
  • Get Out of My Sky
  • The Thing in the Attic
  • The Writing of the Rat
  • Genius Heap
  • Tiger Ride (with Damon Knight)
Edited by James Mann
Cover art by John Berkey
Cover design by Kevin Riley

Other NESFA Press titles by James Blish

Works of ArtWorks of Art