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Hardcover (Trade)

Original NESFA Press publication February 2006
2nd edition, 1st printing, February 2006
Hardcover (Trade) price: $25.00
Weight: 1.86

ISBN-13: 978-1-886778-62-7
ISBN-10: 1-886778-62-0
Page count: 352
Book Size: 5-1/2" x 8-1/2"

Giant Lizards from Another Star

This text relates to the 2nd edition • Hardcover (Trade)

by Ken MacLeod

Table of Contents

Introduction by Jo Walton


The Second Law
Birds and Bees and That
Goddess on Our Side
Jo's Trees
Looking Backward on the Year 2000
Fall 1991
The Morlock's Arms
After Burns: 11 September 2002
One for the Carpenter
Scots Poet, Not


Chapter One: Fake Moon Landing
Chapter Two: Alien Messages
Chapter Three: Face on Mars
Chapter Four: Patriots
Chapter Five: False Past
Chapter Six: The Lone Gunman Theory
Chapter Seven: Black Helicopter
Chapter Eight: All-Seeing Eye
Chapter Nine: Dreamland
Chapter Ten: Men In Black
Chapter Eleven: The Conspiracy Theory
Chapter Twelve: Protocols
The Oort Crowd
Undead Again
The Human Front
A Case of Consilience

Con Reports

A Fish Dinner in Helsinki:
'I had seen a better world'
Seeing Mars from Uppsala
Eight Days in Zagreb
Forty Whacks
Space Station Hinckley

About Science Fiction

Libertarianism, the Loony Left and the Secrets of the Illuminati
The Falling Rate of Profit, Red Hordes and Green Slime
Science Fiction, Liberty, and Literature
A Brief Critique of Nineteen Eighty-Four as Science Fiction
Trends in Science Fiction
Review of The Encyclopaedia of Fantasy
Review of Whole Wide World
Singularity Skies
Does Science Fiction Have to be about the Present?
The Inhabitants of the Planets and the Bottom of the Sea
Not a Good Word to Say

About Science Fact

Rewriting Humanity
The Scientist's Apprentice

The Land Shall Not Be Sold Forever

Scotland and Europe
The Scottish Revolution
Their Snuff-filled Rooms, and A' That
Islands, Funerals, and the Footnotes of Buckle
The Strange Death of Socialist Scotland
The Earth Question
Scottish Politics

A Hope of Peace is as Good as Any

Another View of Russian Capitalism
The Joy of Sects
The Pro-War Left and the Anti-War Right
Conspiracy in the Shadow of Hierarchy
The Midnight Fathers
A Canticle for Wojtyla


2001 and All That
Vietnam War Hero Disappoints War Hawks
Molvania Calls
Free-Market Think-Tanks Out-sourced

Ken MacLeod

Ken MacLeod is one of the leading exponents of the current Scottish school of hard science fiction writers. His writing has been called "sly cultural commentary", "subversive and observant" and "an uncommon degree of politicalawareness", often with bright ideas and biting wit in the strong Scottish characters reflecting his home country. He writes with a loving respect for the SF greats. His new novel is titled Learning the World.

Donato Giancola

Donato Giancola is noted for his illustrations of science fiction and fantasy, as well as other fields of art. His SF/fantasy clients include the SciFi Channel, Lucas Arts, DC Comics, and Wizards of the Coast. He has recently exhibited in "This is a Science Fiction Show" (Andrea Rosen Gallery, New York, 2005) and "From Imagination to Reality: The Art of Science Fiction" (The New York Academy of the Sciences, New York, 2004-2005). His numerous awards include NESFA's Jack Gaughan Award for Best Emerging Artist (1998).

Printing History

Book produced for Boskone 43, February 2006.

Hardcover state ISBN 1-886778-62-0, $25.00, 1000 numbered copies

Boxed state ISBN 1-886778-63-9, $40.00, 200 numbered and signed copies (10 reserved for presentation purposes). out of print!

8.5" x 5.5", 352 pp., February 2006

Edited by Sheila Perry
Cover art by Donato Giancola
Cover design by Alice N. S. Lewis

Introduction by Jo Walton