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Hardcover (Trade)

Published March 1974
Hardcover (Trade) price: $10.00

ISBN-13: 0none7
ISBN-10: 0none7
Page count: 94
Book Size: 5-1/4"x7-1/2"

Have You Seen These?

This text relates to the 1st edition • Hardcover (Trade)

by Isaac Asimov

Out of Print!

Have You Seen These? is a collection of short stories by SF Grand Master Isaac Asimov on the occasion of his being Guest of Honor at Boskone 11 in 1974. The stories not otherwise collected up to that time with commentary by Asimov on each. This is Asimov's 150th book and one of the few ever issued in a limited edition.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • The Day of the Hunters
  • Shah Guido G.
  • The Monkey's Finger
  • Everest
  • The Pause
  • Blank!
  • Silly Asses
  • Rain, Rain, Go Away

Printing History

Cover by Eddie Jones. Jacket design by Bill Desmond (credited to M. H. Keith—Donald Metcalfe Grant, William Henry Desmond, Robert Keith Wiener). Produced by Bill Desmond and Bob Wiener with lots of help from Don Grant. Interior pages printed by Bob Wiener on the M.I.T. Architecture Department Press. Dustjacket printed by Bob Wiener on the LSC offset press.

Hardcover book produced for Boskone 11, March 1974, 94 pages, 5 1/4" x 7 1/2", 500 signed and numbered copies, no ISBN, $5.95, raised to $10.00 December 1975.

A limited number of these were rebound in leather by advance subscription and is known as the finebound state, no ISBN. Two variations of the dustjacket were printed—one on textured paper—due to bad typoes on the flap. The special edition was a special dust wrapper on gold-foil wrapper (1-Isaac Asimov, 2-Don Grant, 3-Bill Desmond, 4-Bob Wiener, 5-NESFA Library, 6-Don&Jill Eastlake, 7-Patrick Snead, maybe a few more).

Have You Seen These? sold out quickly and will not be reprinted.

Edited by Bill Desmond
Cover art by Eddie Jones
Jacket design by Bill Desmond