504 Medford Street, Somerville, MA 02145
Telephone 617-625-2311
(Note: There is usually no one at the Clubhouse to answer it, and the call will usually go to voicemail. See our calendar for more information.)
Detailed Driving Directions from the West
It's a bit difficult, but it's doable. Remember to call if you think you're getting lost.
- I-90 (Mass Pike) to I-95/128 NORTH.
- At Rt 128 (I-95), at exit 29A get on Rt 2 going east to Cambridge.
- Travel to the end of Route 2 as a decent highway.At this point, Rt 2 is the right fork and turns into a crummy street through Cambridge. You want to take the left fork which is Alewife Brook Parkway, AKA Rt 3. North/ Rt. 16 East
- Follow Alewife for roughly a mile to Broadway in Somerville. Broadway is the second major cross street. (The first is Mass Ave.) Broadway can be distinguished by a supermarket on the far right side of the intersection. It has a stop light. Turn right onto Broadway.
- Travel along Broadway about a half mile through Teele Square where another road vees off to the right from Broadway. Stay on Broadway for another half mile until you get to a rotary (traffic circle).
- Continue along Broadway out of the rotary. The first exit from the traffic circle is a very sharp right which actually bends back the way you came. The second (to the left of the park) is Broadway. It's not quite half-way around the traffic circle from where you entered.
- Follow Broadway another half mile or so through Ball Sq. (a built-up business district with a couple traffic lights in quick succession), and then for nearly another mile past a ball field on the right to Magoun Sq.
- At Magoun Sq. Broadway climbs a fairly steep hill, while Medford St. vees off to the right. There is a Dunkin Donuts there. Take the right onto Medford St.
- Take Medford St. 1 block to Lowell St. (Lowell ends at Medford, so it comes in from the right, only.)
- The clubhouse is at 504 Medford which is the second building on the right on Medford St. after Lowell. You can park on Medford St. or you can go down Lowell about 50 feet turn in to our driveway and park in the little asphalted lot behind our building. (It's sorta up and behind the small sunken lot with the chain-link fence around it.)