NESFA® Useful Links to the World Wide Web
Last Update: 7-Nov-2023
For other SF related information, you may want to look at:
- Timebinders - a fan history group
- FANAC fan history archives
- Internet Speculative Fiction DataBase
- The Science Fiction and Fantasy Research Database
- SFsite - home of several SF organizations (This is no longer updated.)
- The SFWA homepage
- The ASFA homepage
- The Gunn Center for the Study of Science Fiction
- Money-Saving Guide for Authors and Writers
Worldcons and NASFiCs
(Many previous worldcons are no longer available at their original URLs.)
- The Worldcon homepage
- Wikipedia list of NASFiCs
- Conucopia (the NASFiC in 1999) (Internet Archive. Originally
- Aussiecon 3 (the Worldcon in 1999)
- Chicon 2000 (the Worldcon in 2000)
- The Millenium Philcon (the Worldcon in 2001) (Internet Archive. Originally
- ConJosé (the Worldcon in 2002)
- Torcon 3 (the Worldcon in 2003) (Internet Archive. Originally
- Noreascon Four (the Worldcon in 2004)
- Interaction (the Worldcon in 2005) (Internet Archive. Originally
- Cascadia Con (the NASFiC in 2005) (Internet Archive. Originally
- L.A.con IV (the Worldcon in 2006) (Internet Archive. Originally
- Nippon 2007 (the Worldcon in 2007)
- Archon 31 (the NASFiC in 2007) (Internet Archive. Original
- Denvention 3 (the Worldcon in 2008)
- Anticipation (the Worldcon in 2009) (Internet Archive. Originally
- Aussiecon Four (the Worldcon in 2010)
- ReConStruction (the NASFiC in 2010) (Internet Archive. Originally
- Renovation (the Worldcon in 2011) (Internet Archive. Originally
- Chicon 7 (the Worldcon in 2012)
- LoneStarCon 3 (the Worldcon in 2013)
- LonCon 3 (the Worldcon in 2014) (Internet Archive. Originally
- Detcon1 (the NASFiC in 2014)
- Sasquan (the Worldcon in 2015)
- MidAmeriCon II (the Worldcon in 2016)
- NorthAmeriCon '17 (the NASFiC in 2017)
- Worldcon 75 (the Worldcon in 2017)
- Worldcon 76 San Jose 2018
- Dublin2019
- ConZealand Worldcon in 2020
- DisCon III, the 2021 Worldcon
Science Fiction Clubs
- Arisia, Inc.
- Baltimore Science Fiction Society (BSFS)
- The Bay Area Science Fiction Association (BASFA)
- Cincinnati Fantasy Group (CFG)
- Denver Science Fiction & Fantasy Book Club
- Fandom Association of Central Texas (FACT)
- Latham-Albany-Schenectady-Troy Science Fiction Association, Inc. (LASTSFA)
- Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society (LASFS)
- Massachusetts Convention Fandom, Inc. (MCFI)
- MASSFILC, The Filk Music Club of New England
- MIT Science Fiction Society (MITSFS)
- Minnesota Science Fiction Society, Inc (Minn-StF)
- The National Fantasy Fan Federation (N3F)
- The Orlando Area Science Fiction Society (OASFiS)
- Oregon Science Fiction Conventions, Inc. (OSFCI)
- Philadelphia Science Fiction Society (PSFS)
- Rhode Island Science Fiction Club (RISFC)
- South Florida Science Fiction Society (SFSFS)
- Southern Fandom Confederation (SFC)
- Washington Science Fiction Association (WSFA)
- Worcester Polytechnic Institute Science Fiction Society (WPISFS)
Also see this list of organizations.
Science Fiction Publishers
- NESFA Press
- Analog Magazine
- Harper Collins SF (which absorbed Avon, among others)
- Baen Books
- Donald M. Grant Books
- Penguin (which absorbed Putnam, Berkley, DAW, and Ace)
- The Science Fiction Book Club
- Random House (which absorbed Ballantine, Bantam, del Rey, and LucasBooks)
- Tachyon Publications (another small press)
- Tor Books
- Angry Robot Books
- Orbit Books
- Pink Narcissus Press
- Suberranean Press